
Mexican Triqui kids win Barcelona Basketball Cup

The team defeated France's Gravelins by 39-18.

(Photo: @ConsulMexBCN)
03/07/2016 |21:18Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The Mexican Triqui kids continue with their superb performance and won the Barcelona Basketball Cup in the 12-13 years old category, defeating the Gravelins from France by 39-18.

The team, from a poor indigenous community in the state of Oaxaca, made international news with their unconventional playing style, going barefoot due to the lack of shoes, as well as their determination before what seemed as more powerful rivals.

Previously, in the semifinals, they defeated the St. Louis, from Belgium.

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The team consists of Dylan Ramírez, Tobías de Jesús, Bernabé Martínez, Aniceto Guzmán, Efrén Martínez, Daniel Shalom, Luis Enrique Vargas, and Anselmo de Jesús.

The Triqui kids have even caught the eye of the NBA, which has promised support, and the kids have had contact with their players.

One of the requirements to be inducted into the team, according to coach Sergio Zúñiga, is to have good grades and be able to speak their indigenous language besides Spanish.