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Acusan a Morena de marcar boletas a favor de Piedra Ibarra en Senado; “se las vamos a ganar”, asegura Adán Augusto
Avanza en lo general reforma contra maltrato animal en San Lázaro; corridas de toros y peleas de perros no fueron consideradas
Ramírez de la O reconoce falta de liquidez en Pemex; promete “verdadera austeridad” con SHCP para resolverla
Diputada de Morena se duerme en sesión de San Lázaro; legisladores discutían reforma sobre protección de animales
Arranca proceso para renovar dirigencia de la FSTSE; fortalecerán estrategia para la defensa de derechos laborales
Jufed se presenta en la Corte Interamericana; reforma judicial es un ataque sistemático y se materializó en la Constitución, acusa
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) approved the special mechanism to follow the investigations on the Ayotzinapa case and called the Mexican authorities to continue the investigations on the disappearance of the students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos school.
The IACHR reported that the mechanism will be formed by at least two technical advisors who will be able to visit Mexico as often and for as long as needed.
The agency added that the advisors will have full access to the documents and information on the case and that the IACHR commissioner for the case will visit Mexico at least three times to supervise the advisors' work.