
Mexico presents an Opera against bullying

"The Boy who grew up too fast" tells the story of Poponel (Francisco Baltierra), an extremely tall nine-year-old.

The children chorus is directed by Alejandro León. (Photo: Luis Cortés/EL UNIVERSAL)
16/07/2016 |17:50
Redacción El Universal
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The National Arts Center of Mexico (Cenart) presented the Opera "El niño que creció muy rápido" (The boy who grew up too fast) written by Gian Carlo Menotti, with a message against bullying.

The main character, Poponel, played by Francisco Baltierra, is a nine-year-old who is the butt of jokes in school because of his adult-like physique.

But the boy manages to take advantage of his size and finally is able to win the affection of his school mates.

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The opera, presented by the Cenart in its sixth consecutive year of the "La ópera es puro cuento... y el ballet también" cycle, has been presented as part of a campaign against bullying in school.