
Veracruz does not deserve to become a boxing ring: Duarte

(Photo: Screen grab from the video)
09/06/2016 |10:44Edgar Ávila / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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Governor Javier Duarte de Ochoa (PRI) said that Veracruz does not deserve to become a boxing ring, neither ground for political vendettas.

He added that he will soon enact a constitutional reform to deprive Veracruz governors from their legal immunity.

In a video posted on YouTube Duarte regretted "that attacks and lies against him and institutions continue even though political campaigns are over."

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He added that the accusations of embezzlement against him are baseless and “only exist in the tortuous mind of someone who does have formal complaints for embezzlement against him.”

He was referring to the accusations made by Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares, who will replace him as governor of Veracruz after a PAN-PRD coalition gave him victory, and said that Duarte's assets amount to more than 3 billion pesos (US$162.2 million) and that he will end up in jail.