
PGR is checking if "El Güero" Palma has pending cases

Attorney General Arely Gómez is checking before Palma is released from a U.S. jail next weekend.

(Photo: File/EL UNIVERSAL)
07/06/2016 |18:53Marcos Muedano |
Redacción El Universal
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The Office of the Attorney General (PGR) is checking if there are any pending cases against famed drug dealer Jesús Héctor Palma Salazar, "El Güero" Palma, who will be released from a U.S. prison next weekend.

Attorney General Arely Gómez said that some cases are already prescribed, and he could not be accused of said crimes.

In any case, the Attorney General said that the state and federal attorney offices are exchanging information in order to see if there are open cases against him.

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Palma Salazar will be released after nine years in a maximum security prison in California.