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Rosa Icela Rodríguez se reúne con próximo titular del INM; “arrancaremos el 2025 con mucho trabajo”, asegura
SSa llama a tomar medidas preventivas ante bajas temperaturas; pide proteger salud por temporada invernal
Oposición tunde diseño de boletas de elección judicial; “la lista definitiva la harán Monreal y Adán Augusto”, dice Döring
Padres de normalistas de Ayotzinapa marchan a la Basílica de Guadalupe; exigen cárcel para los responsables
3 de cada 10 veces que se vende bacalao en México es carne de otras especies: ONG; llaman a CONAPESCA a rastrear productos
Officers from the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico arrested Emir Garduño Montalvo, known as #LordRollsRoyce, outside the federal court at the Almoloya de Juárez prison.
Garduño Montalvo was there to check on the criminal process against him and when he realized that he was about to be arrested tried to remain inside one of the courts, but he wasn't allowed to do so,
More than 40 officers were waiting outside for him and finally he was arrested.
Garduño Montalvo arrived voluntarily at the court in order to check on the process started after he apparently ordered his bodyguards to attack a driver last May 9.
His arrest, this time, has to do with the attack against Federal Police officer Jorge Vera, a minor crime that could let him walk out of jail on bail.