
EPN calls for an end to divisions after elections

The Mexican president said he is willing to cooperate with everybody.

(Photo: Taken from YouTube)
06/06/2016 |16:06Ariadna García |
Redacción El Universal
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The end of the elections in Mexico means that the time has come to end the polarization, resentments and face-offs in order to work in unity, said Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.

During a banking conference in Mexico City, the head of state expressed that he is willing to work with everybody regardless of political alignments.

"The government of the republic will work with the elected authorities according to the institutional order and without discrimination," he said. Peña Nieto added that Sunday elections represent an example of the democratic life in Mexico.

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He also pointed out that "we who govern must pay attention to the citizens' message."