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According to an investigation by U.S. network Univision, the Mexican minister of Public Administration, Virgilio Andrade Martínez, has been denounced by a former sentimental partner for sexual abuse, and domestic violence.
Surgeon Nayeli Martínez worked as an advisor for a political party and she says that she was involved with Andrade Martínez for five years. She's also demanding an allowance for their child.
According to Univision, she has faced a series of obstacles and says that Andrade Martínez is under the protection of the Mexican authorities.
She added that she has denounced her case before human rights organizations, the Office of the Attorney General, the United Nations and even the ministry headed by Andrade Martínez, with no success.
"Because I ask for the allowance for my son I had been horribly insulted, called miserable, freeloader, beancounter," she said during the interview.
The situation has become a trending topic on Twitter. So far, Andrade Martínez has made no comments on the subject.