
After attacks, Mexico warns citizens to avoid travel to Turkey

The Mexican Foreign Ministry also urged citizens to avoid areas in close proximity to the Syrian border.

(Photo: EFE)
29/06/2016 |19:10Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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After the terrorist attacks occurred on Tuesday at the Istanbul's Ataturk airport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico (SRE) issued a travel warning to Turkey.

As part of its protocol, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned fellow countrymen of increased threats from terrorist groups throughout Turkey.

The Foreign Ministry also urged citizens to avoid areas in close proximity to the Syrian border.

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The SRE asked Mexican travelers to register and update their information on the website and contact the Embassy of Mexico in Turkey (Ankara) at (90-533) 956-3270, or the Mexican Consulate in Istanbul at (90-535) 873-8018 in case of emergency.