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Presumed human traffickers were found while using the services of Uber for the transportation of illegal migrants by the authorities south of the city of Saltillo, according to police reports.
At least seven Central American immigrants were found last weekend on four vehicles, operated all by Uber and detained in the areas of La Ventura and San Francisco, some 38 miles from Saltillo.
The passengers said that they came from Honduras, Guatemala and Salvador, according to Seguismundo Doguin Martínez, local representative of the National Immigration Institute.
The Uber drivers said that they were contacted directly by their clients and that they operate in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León.
The drivers could face charges and there are no reports about where they collected their passengers.
The police said that the cars used rural roads to reach Nuevo León, where the migrants are left with the people in charge of getting them across the United States border.