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The American-Scottish alternative rock band Garbage will visit Mexico with their latest album “Strange Little Birds” to offer two concerts on September 5 in Arena Monterrey and on September 7 in Arena Ciudad de Mexico.
According to a press release, the last time Garbage visited Mexico was in 2013 with their album “Not Your Kind of People”, with which the band returned to the music scene after seven years of absence.
The group consists of Scottish musician Shirley Manson (vocals, keyboards, guitar) and American musicians Duke Erikson (bass, guitar, keyboards), Steve Marker (guitar, keyboards), and Butch Vig(drums, percussion). They realesed their self-entitled debut album in 1995, drawing attention for having a female lead singer.
The general tickets sale for the concert in Mexico City starts on June 23 at 10 am via Superboletos. For the concert in Monterrey the presale tickets will be available form June 23 to 25, while the general tickets sale on June 26.