
Ricky Martin calls for unity, love and tougher gun laws

The singer called the Orlando shooting an act of hate that has profoundly affected him as a human being and a gay person.

(Photo: File/EFE)
15/06/2016 |16:17AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Ricky Martin is calling for unity, love and tougher gun laws.

In a lengthy statement released Wednesday, the singer is urging his fans to call their elected representatives "10 times each day until they act." Martin says to "set a timer if it helps, but make the calls."

He released the statement, titled n English and Spanish.

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Martin called the Orlando shooting an act of hate that has profoundly affected him as a human being and a gay person. He said the United States has an "undeniable problem with gun violence."

He said that even more important than contacting elected officials is to love wholeheartedly.