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Ministros salientes se toman última foto oficial; ausentes Yasmín Esquivel, Loretta Ortiz y Lenia Batres
Comité de Evaluación del Poder Judicial publica convocatoria para elección 2025; examen será en enero
CCE reacciona a amenaza de Trump por imposición de 25% aranceles; “están en campaña, hay que esperar"
Francia expresa deseo de invertir “aún más” en México; embajada firma cartas de colaboración con sector empresarial franco-mexicano
Diputados instalan Comisión de Seguridad Social; buscan reformar leyes para garantizar recursos suficientes a IMSS e ISSSTE
Sergio Gutiérrez Luna sostiene reunión con Lenia Batres; discuten reforma judicial y convocatoria de jueces
Officials of the Environmental Commission of the megalopolis will announce next week that any vehicle carrying on board at least three adults can circulate every day, according to journalist Carlos Loret de Mola.
This measure is part of a series of additional standards of the new vehicle verification rules announced on Tuesday. Vehicles traveling with at least three adults will also have free access to main highways, as the second floor periferico.
Another measure that will be released to combat the high levels of air pollution will consist of a tax incentive program for taxi drivers to replace their vehicles for hybrid units.
In addition, 150 million peso (about US$ 8 million) will be invested to install better technological equipment to detect pollution and thus contingencies can be notified days in advance.