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The eight day of exhumations at the mass grave in the Las Cruces graveyard of Tetelcingo, Morelos, ended with 15 bodies, rising to 68 sets of human remains so far dug out by the state authorities.
The bodies exhumed so far have been left at the Jardines del Recuerdo graveyard, in the same municipality.
According to regional attorney Rafael Ávila López, every single body is subjected to the required identification tests, comparing its DNA with that of people coming all over the country looking for missing relatives.
Ávila López also pointed out that the exhumation of the 118 bodies left without due process by the previous administration of the agency in March 2014 will end this week.
State Attorney General Javier Pérez Durón also spoke about his meeting with a team of observers from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), expressing that it represents the "openness with which the Attorney's office is conducting the exhumation of the bodies at the Tetelcingo graveyard".