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Among repeated demands for justice, 54-year-old Guadalupe Cruz Hernández was laid to rest after her death during a clash between followers the former mayor of Chenalhó, Rosa Pérez Pérez, and mayor-elect Miguel Sántiz Álvarez.
His children, wife and friends participated in the funeral in the municipal seat of Chenalhó, where more than 80 families of sympathizers of Sántiz Álvarez escaped from the conflict in their hometown.
Cruz Hernández was buried provisionally, in the hopes that his body and those displaced by the conflict will be able to return to the town of Puebla.
In a brief release, the displaced demanded due punishment for those guilty of the aggression, an attack with fire guns against the supporters of Sántiz Álvarez last Thursday afternoon, where a 12-year-old girl was also killed.
The aggressors also reportedly destroyed houses and cars in the town of Puebla.