
Dissident teachers conduct a sit-in in central Mexico City

They are currently in front of the Ministry of Education.

(Photo: SPECIAL)
20/05/2016 |15:08Teresa Moreno |
Redacción El Universal
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Members of the dissident National Education Workers Coordination (CNTE) installed a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Education of Mexico City, after an agreement to stay there, reached with the local authorities.

They are protesting against the evaluation of the teachers promoted with the education reform spearheaded by Education Minister Aurelio Nuño.

They are headed by Enrique Enríquez Ibarra, head of Section 9 of the organization, and representatives from Michoacán, Chiapas, and Oaxaca are participating in the protest.

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This morning, the Federal Police arrived to remove the barrier that the dissidents had erected in front of the Ministry of the Interior, and they began a march towards the Zócalo, the central esplanade of the city.

On the way there, officers from the city police and the local authorities talked with them, reaching an agreement to have them camp in the Plaza Santo Domingo esplanade.