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De colores y distintos tamaños, Comisión del INE aprueba boletas para elección judicial; falta voto del Consejo General
Comisión del INE aprueba recorte para organizar elección judical con 6 mil mdp; ajustan actividades de bajo impacto
Llega Navidad para choferes y repartidores; publican en el DOF decreto para derecho a seguro médico, indemnización y utilidades
After the owner of Chivas Guadalajara, Jorge Vergara, caused controversies when the Mexican soccer team broke with media outlet Televisa, it seems like he is thinking about a production company of his own.
"Chivas TV" would be the name of the company, and it would provide content to be distributed in different media and the internet.
Vergara hopes that the new model will report more than the US$25 million Televisa used to pay for the team.