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During the first quarter of the year, a total of 50.8 million people were employed, in an increase of 973,000 people regarding the same period of 2015, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).
According to Inegi, the unemployed population stood at 2.1 million people during the first three months of the current year and the corresponding unemployment rate was set at 4.0 per cent of the Economically Active Population (EAP), which stood at 52.9 million people.
Inegi pointed out that during the January-March period, the occupied population rose to 50.8 million people, with 31.5 million being males and 19.3 million females.
A total of 50.6 of the EAP is concentrated in the largest cities of the country, with 20.6 percent located in rural areas.