
Gael García Bernal and the Cuarón family begin a campaign against Trump

Jonás Cuarón, director of "Desert," presented a counterattack against the Republican hopeful.

(Photo: César Huerta/EL UNIVERSAL)
09/04/2016 |18:31
César Huerta Ortiz
reportero de la sección EspectáculosVer perfil

Jonás Cuarón movie "Desert" will feature a photography campaign in response to the racist message of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Tump.

Trump has accused Mexican immigrants of being rapists and criminals, and Jonás Cuarón, whose movie will be premiered next Friday, presented the idea of having people posting selfies with cardboard signs alluding the accusations made by Trump.

Jonás, actor Gael García Bernal, star of "Desierto," his father Alfonso, director of "Gravity," and his uncle Carlos, director of "Rudo y Cursi," posed for pictures with such signs.

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The hashtag for publishing the pictures is #laspalabrassontanpeligrosascomolasbalas (words are as dangerous as bullets) and "Palabras como balas" on Instagram.

“These pictures would be sent to Fox, CNN, to Trump's offices," Jonás explained.

"Desierto" will be featured in 400 Mexican movie houses starting Friday. The movie will also premiere in France, but has yet to find a U.S. outlet.

"Desierto" is an action movie featuring García Bernal as a member of a group of immigrants hunted by a racist American, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan.