
Six human bodies found in mass grave in Colima

The bodies had been buried near a road.

(Photo: File/EL UNIVERSAL)
08/04/2016 |15:01
Redacción El Universal
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The bodies of six men were found in a mass grave in the municipality of Tecomán, according to a report by the Office of the Attorney General of the state of Colima.

According to the report, the bodies were found during the security actions implemented by the local, state and federal authorities in that municipality, which borders the state of Michoacán, which has become a hotbed for violence during the last few months.

The corpses were buried on the side of a road leading to Playa Pascuales, in the Ladislao Moreno neighborhood.

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A few days ago, per data from the National Public Security System, Colima is the state with the greater number of homicides in the country. Governor Ignacio Peralta Sánchez admitted that the situation is getting worse.