
Leaked conversation involves Yunes in real estate business in the US

The candidate for governor of Veracruz said that he will file a lawsuit to demand compensation for damage

Miguel Ángel Yunes said to Univisión that he did not intended to buy any property in New York. (Photo: Alejandro Acosta / EL UNIVERSAL)
19/04/2016 |11:19Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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An audio obtained by Univisión revealed a conversation between the candidate for governor of Veracruz, Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares, and his son, Omar Yunes Márquez, in which both discussed a real estate purchase in New York for about 58 million dollars.

"It is (at) the 55th, between Park and Lexington. This is the selling price. They have two offers: 55 and 58. They would go for 58. So we would have to at least match that (amount). The only difference between ours and theirs is that this property is currently rented. Two of the properties are leased and two that belong to the same owner are used as offices," Omar Yunes said in the conversation.

"Then, we would buy at 58, this Friday we have to make an offer and (maybe) put down 10%, I do not know if this Friday, I have to talk with Lin," Omar said to his father about the conditions of the deal.

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Univisión spoke with both by phone. Omar Yunes said the conversation was referring to a real estate transaction that did not involve the family's money, and said that the business was for other investors in the United States.

"I am a real estate developer. We look for investment opportunities, business viability and verify that the investor's expectations are actually met (...). That does not mean I own the projects," Yunes explained.

The 38-year-old entrepreneur said the conversation with his father was about a project that he led in 2014 to sell four town- houses, owned by three different people, that he would offer to his clients. But the business did not come to fruition. "If you consult the public records or talk to the building owners you will see that no transaction was carried out.”

However in the phone call Omar tells his father that the business could generate a "small income".

"It would be a rent of US$83,000 (...) At least it would generate some income, isn't it? Obviously, nothing good in terms of return, but at least it would generate something," Omar told his father.

Omar Yunes did not explain why, if the business was for others, it would end up generating profits for his father.

Miguel Ángel Yunes said to Univisión that he did not intended to buy any property in New York: "It is absolutely false, I have never talked about buying a property in New York for 55 or 58 million dollars. Please consider that we are in the midst of an electoral campaign."

In a statement Yunes said that the “dirty war” against him "has intensified” and announced that he will file a lawsuit to demand compensation for damage.

Omar Yunes is known to own several residences in exclusive areas of Mexico City. His name appears among the businessmen, politicians, drug traffickers and straw men involved in the “Panama Papers”.