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The Mexican Minister of Defense, Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, offered an apology for the incidents of February 4, 2015, in the municipality of Ajuchitlán del Progreso, where a civilian woman was tortured.
During a message before more than 26,000 soldiers, Cienfuegos Zepeda regretted the behavior of some soldiers and said that "those who act as criminals and disobey orders are not worthy of belonging to the armed forces" at the ceremony held at the 1-A military headquarters. The general expressed that incidents like those made public in a video that caused an uproar on social networks are deplorable facts which betray the trust put by the society over the people in uniform.
"It is necessary to express our indignation about the incident in Ajuchitlán del Progreso. On behalf of all members of this institution I offer an apology to the victims," Cienfuegos Zepeda said.