
Trump vows to boost Christian political power

The Republican Party front-runner says that "Christianity is being chipped away."

Donald Trump says that if Christians could band together, they'd be the country's most potent lobby. (Photo: Reuters)
08/03/2016 |12:54AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Donald Trump is repeating his vow to work to boost Christians' political power if he's elected president as he makes his final pitch to Mississippi voters.

The GOP front-runner says, "Christianity is being chipped away."

He says that if Christians could band together, they'd be the country's most potent lobby.

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Trump says regulations that limit the political activity of pastors and others who lead tax-exempt organizations "shut Christianity down." He adds that Christians are "really being silenced and we can't let that happen."

Trump was speaking at a rally in Madison, Mississippi.

Republicans in Idaho, Michigan and Hawaii will also be voting Tuesday.