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PPEP 2025 prevé recortes a cultura, medio ambiente, salud y agricultura; Mejoredu contempla una disminución del 50%
México vive tiempos inéditos por reformas aprobadas, dice Rosa Icela Rodríguez; invita a participar en elección judicial
VIDEO: “¡Viva México!”, entre nostalgia y huevos rancheros; embajadores extranjeros comienzan a despedirse
Por condiciones climáticas, Presidencia cancela evento en Veracruz; inauguraría hospital del IMSS-Bienestar
Mexico City authorities announced that part of the garbage of the capital city will be temporarily sent to Cuautla.
Mexico City mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera and Morelos governor Graco Ramírez said that the garbage dump “La Perseverancia” will receive between 1,500 and 1,800 tons of waste to help Mexico City cope with its environmental emergency.
Yesterday it was announced that four landfills in the State of Mexico (La Cañada and El Milagro in Ixtapaluca, Peña del Gato in Chicoloapan and Tersa del Golfo in Cuautitlán Izacalli) would stop receiving 8,000 tons of garbage from the capital city because they do not meet environmental standars.
(With information from Juan Manuel Barrera and Rebeca Jiménez)