
Trump calls Rubio and Cruz "a total lightweight" and "liar"

The Louisville crowd cheered when Trump spotted a sign in the crowd and asked it to be fetched for him. He held up the sign - which read "Hispanics 4 Trump".

(Photo: AP)
01/03/2016 |18:24AP |
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Donald Trump is keeping up his criticism on his closest Republican rivals in the hours before the first Super Tuesday polls close.

Trump, in Kentucky, said Tuesday that March Rubio was "a total lightweight" while Ted Cruz is "a basket case" and "a liar." However, he held his fire on Ben Carson, calling him a "nice guy" and he didn't provide any descriptions for John Kasich.

He said his dealing powers would force companies to keep jobs in America and coerce countries to release American prisoners.

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The Louisville crowd cheered when Trump spotted a sign in the crowd and asked it to be fetched for him. He held up the sign - which read "Hispanics 4 Trump" - and waved it around, mouthing "thank you" toward the audience.

In Minnesota, Governor Mark Dayton is backing Hillary Clinton, but he's not predicting she'll win Minnesota's caucuses.

Dayton tells The Associated Press that he thinks Clinton would win decisively if Tuesday's presidential preference vote was done as part of a primary. But it's not, and Dayton says caucuses "are such an unknown" because so many things can come up to keep people from attending.

Bernie Sanders is trailing Clinton but has invested a lot of time in Minnesota, where he says he can win if turnout is strong.

Dayton has been a longtime Clinton supporter and has pledged his support as a superdelegate to the national convention no matter how she does Tuesday. He says he expects her to have a good night around the country as Super Tuesday unfolds.

In Massachusetts, Secretary of State William Galvin reminded Clinton's campaign about state election laws after former President Bill Clinton greeted voters inside a polling location in Boston.

Clinton arrived at the Holy Name gymnasium, a polling place in the city's West Roxbury neighborhood where he met with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, one of his wife's supporters.

Bill Clinton spoke with voters outside the polling location before heading inside with Walsh. At one point, a woman asked for a photo and Clinton said, "as long as we're not violating any election laws."

According to state law, no one may solicit a person's vote within 150 feet of a polling location.

Galvin also said that Bill Clinton created a traffic jam outside a polling location in New Bedford later in the day when he addressed voters on the street. Galvin said the polling location never shut its doors, however.

In eight of nine states where exit polls were conducted Tuesday, Democratic voters were more likely to want a continuation of President Barack Obama's policies than a switch to more liberal policies.

According to early results of the exit polls conducted for the Associated Press and television networks by Edison Research, majorities of Democratic voters in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia want a continuation of Obama's policies, along with more than 4 in 10 voters in Arkansas, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Texas.

In each of those states, about a third of Democratic voters or less want a switch to more liberal policies.

In Vermont, about half of Democratic primary voters said they want the next president to change to more liberal policies.

Large majorities of Republican primary voters across nine states have negative feelings toward the federal government.

But whether they're more dissatisfied or more angry varies by state.

According to early results of exit polls conducted for The Associated Press and television networks by Edison Research, at least 8 in 10 GOP primary voters in each state feel down on the way the federal government is working.

The dissatisfied outnumbered the angry and accounted for a half or more of Republican voters in Virginia, Vermont and Massachusetts.

In Texas, half of GOP primary voters said they were angry.

In Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma and Tennessee, GOP voters were more evenly split between dissatisfaction and anger.