The Office of the Attorney General (PGR) executed an arrest warrant against the mayor of Cocula, Erick Ulíses Ramírez Crespo, who is a suspect of links with organized crime.

Police sources reported that Ramírez Crespo has been transferred to the premises of the Office of Special Investigations on Organized Crime in Mexico City.

Ramírez Crespo was arrested on October 29 by the Intelligence Division of the Federal Police in a restaurant located in the municipality of Emiliano Zapata, Morelos.

There, the mayor was meeting with Adán, brother of Sidronio Casarrubias, a cartel leader presumably involved in the disappearance of the 43 teachers in training from the Ayotzinapa school on September 26, 2014.

The Mayor was then accompanied by Mariano Zamora and Benjamín Martínez, as well as by Eloy Flowers Cantú, who was identified as an advisor to the Revolutionary Democratic Party in the Chamber of Representatives.

All of them were released after 40 days in prison.

Unable to present any proof of criminal conduct, the PGR had to release the detainees.

According to the National Security Commission, the new arrest of the Mayor was carried out again by the Intelligence Division of the Federal Police and troops of the Ministry of National Defense.

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