
Mexico takes pride in “The Revenant” Oscar wins

Mexican directors have won best director Oscars for three years in a row.

A few dozen Mexicans turned out at Mexico City's Angel of Independence monument shortly before midnight Sunday to celebrate those awards and Leonardo DiCaprio's prize for best actor in Iñárritu's "Revenant." (Photo: AP)
29/02/2016 |13:25AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico is celebrating Alejandro González Iñárritu's Oscar win for best director, with President Enrique Peña Nieto writing that the filmmaker has made his country proud.

Peña Nieto also sent tweets congratulating Mexican cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki for his third win in a row in that category.

Mexican directors have won best director Oscars for three years in a row.

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A few dozen Mexicans even turned out at Mexico City's Angel of Independence monument shortly before midnight Sunday to celebrate those awards and Leonardo DiCaprio's prize for best actor in Iñárritu's "The Revenant."

Some chanted, "Leo, brother, you're Mexican now!"