
Environmental alert continues in the Valley of Mexico

There are high ozone concentrations of ozone north of Mexico City.

(Photo: @webcamsdemexico)
22/02/2016 |18:24
Redacción El Universal
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Due to prevailing bad air quality in the Valley of Mexico, the Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis (CMEA) decided to continue with the environmental alert in the area.

"The influence of a high pressure system on the region that includes the urban area, continues and has led to adverse weather conditions for the dispersion of pollutants, which in combination with the solar radiation favors an increase in ozone levels in the valley," explained the agency.

The Atmospheric Monitoring System (Simat) reported at 3:00 p.m. that the highest concentrations of ozone are located in the northern Gustavo A. Madero district with 139 points.

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Under these conditions it is recommended that children, older adults, and people with respiratory and cardiovascular problems avoid any outdoor activities.