
Environmental alert in the Valley of Mexico

The air quality index reached 155 points in the district of Gustavo A. Madero.

(Photo: webcamsdemexico.com)
21/02/2016 |17:47
Redacción El Universal
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The Environmental Commission of the Megalopolis (CMEA) activated a preliminary pollution alert for the Valley of Mexico due to a high concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere.

The agency reported that the northern Gustavo A. Madero district presents a concentration of ozone reaching up to 155 points.

"Due to a high pressure system affecting the central portion of the country, the associated atmospheric stability and weak wind in the surface have resulted in the stagnation of the pollutants, while the intense radiation has led to an increase photochemistry activity," according to the agency.

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Due to the bad conditions it is recommended avoiding outdoor activities, particularly for children, older adults, and people with respiratory problems.