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Publican en el Diario Oficial de la Federación decreto que transfiere funciones del Inai a la Secretaría Anticorrupción y Buen Gobierno
“México es incapaz de albergar una ola de deportados”; especialistas temen que crisis migratoria se agudice ante amenaza de Trump
Cenegas, marcado por privilegios y opacidad; Cuitláhuac García percibirá 177 mil 970 pesos mensuales brutos
Former Florida Governor and probable 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush says he doesn't question Donald Trump's Christianity nor anyone else's, "because I honestly believe that's a relationship you have with your creator."
But he is objecting to any argument that securing the U.S. border with Mexico by a wall is "unchristian."
Bush is telling reporters in Columbia, "I support walls and fencing where it's appropriate," along with other forms of border security measures such as drone aircraft monitoring.
As far as Francis' weighing in on a political debate, Bush says what he said in June before the Pope weighed in on climate change.
Bush, who is Catholic, says "I think it's OK to get my guidance as a Catholic from the Pope. But certainly not economic policy or environmental policy.