
Drugs are not the only alternative: Francis

The pontiff is meeting with young people at the Morelos Stadium, in Morelia.

(Photo: SPECIAL)
16/02/2016 |17:53
Redacción El Universal
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Pope Francis expressed today that drug trafficking is not the only option available for young Mexicans.

During an encounter at the Morelos Stadium in Morelia, the pontiff reiterated that youth is the greatest wealth of Mexico, and called young people to not allow themselves to be treated as merchandise.

"I will not get tired of telling you so: You are the richness of Mexico," he said, while emphasizing that young people are not just the hope for Mexico, but its true wealth.

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"It is a lie that the only way to live, to be young, is to leave your life in the hands of drug trafficking. It is a lie that the only way for young people to live here is in poverty and marginalization," he remarked.

He also called young people to avoid falling into the temptation of drug trafficking.

The pope said that the main threat for hope among young people is to feel that they have no worth and that they are cast aside.

"The main threat is to make you believe that you start to be valuable when you disguise yourself with clothes, with trending fashion brands, or when having money makes you feel important," he said.

It is expected that after this presentation in the Stadium, the pope will return to Mexico City, to rest in the Vatican embassy for the night.

Tomorrow, Francis will travel to Chihuahua for the last day of his activities in Mexico.