For a second night, Pope Francis has ventured out of the Vatican ambassador's residence where he is staying in Mexico City to pray with the faithful who have not stopped chanting since his arrival.

He asked if they were tired, to which he received a resounding "No!"

"We could go until 4 a.m.?" the pope asked. "Yesss," the crowd answered. "Well, but that could be a little long," he responded.

Francis then led the crowd in prayer. He urged them to think of their friends and their problems. Then he urged them to think about a stranger who must have a big problem. He said each person should ask God through the Virgin to take away those problems and to bless the person, their friends and the stranger.

After reminding everyone that they should go to Mass on Sunday, the pope told them to rest and asked them to pray for him, then went back inside the gates.

Vatican officials estimate as many as 1 million people came out to catch a glimpse of Pope Francis during his first full day in Mexico.

Vatican spokesman, reverend Federico Lombardi says the figure includes people who lined the motorcade routes Saturday as well as those who attended the pope's Mass at the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe and gathered at the capital's main square.

Crowds are also expected to be big Sunday when Francis goes to the crime-ridden municipality of Ecatepec, in the State of Mexico, for his biggest Mass in Mexico. The site has a capacity for 400,000 people.

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