
Pope Francis: speech to Mexico's political leaders

The pope said that the leaders have a duty to provide their people with indispensable material and spiritual goods.

(Photo: screencapture from Segob)
13/02/2016 |11:13Francisco Reséndiz |
Redacción El Universal
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In a speech to Mexico's political leaders at the National Palace, Pope Francis said that social life becomes a fertile ground for corruption, drug trafficking, exclusion of different cultures, violence, human trafficking, kidnapping and death, when privileges and benefits are only for a few.

He stressed that the leaders of the social, cultural and political life have a duty to provide their people with indispensable material and spiritual goods: "adequate housing, dignified employment, food, true justice, effective security, a healthy and peaceful environment."

The pope emphasized that is not enough just to pass or upgrade laws, but for all Mexicans to take responsibility to improve the country and promote national development.

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Francis said that Mexico is a great country, blessed with abundant natural resources and an enormous biodiversity which extends throughout its territory.

He also said that the privileged geographical location of Mexico, make it a benchmark for America.

“And I dare say that the main wealth of Mexico today has a young face." he said.