
EPN says he shares Pope Francis' concerns

In a speech alongside the pope at Mexico's National Palace, Peña Nieto mentioned hunger, inequality and the dangers of people "letting themselves be carried away by evil."

(Photo: screencapture from Segob)
13/02/2016 |11:26AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto says he shares Pope Francis' concerns about the "great challenges ... doubts and uncertainties" that the nation faces.

In a speech alongside the pope at Mexico's National Palace, Peña Nieto mentioned hunger, inequality and the dangers of people "letting themselves be carried away by evil."

He also criticized "continuing barriers and obstacles to the migration of people who seek a better life."

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Francis' visit to the world's largest Spanish-speaking nation comes as it is afflicted by drug violence, corruption and social ills - themes on which the pontiff has repeatedly expressed concern.

Peña Nieto said Saturday it was an honor to receive a pope for the first time in Mexico's ceremonial seat of presidential power, and a reflection of good relations between the country and the Vatican.