
Five killed in shooting in Los Mochis, Sinaloa

According to reports, a Navy officer was also wounded.

Weapons and other pieces of military equipment were also seized during the operation. (Photo: SPECIAL)
08/01/2016 |11:57Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican Navy forces faced armed individuals while attempting to check on a residence in the municipality of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, during the early morning, according to reports.

In the operation, five presumed criminals were killed, one marine was wounded and six other people ended up being arrested.

It was also reported that Orso Iván Gastelum Cruz, a local head of a criminal organization, was reportedly in the place, but managed to escape.

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According to the report, the incident began after the marines received an anonymous denouncement about the presence of armed people in a residence in the area.

In the operation, the marines also seized two armoured vehicles, two cars, and military-grade weapons, as well as a rocket launcher with two projectiles.