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TEPJF batea impugnaciones contra convocatoria y "tómbola" de elección judicial; ordena al Senado regular juzgadores sin adscripción
IMSS Bienestar instala mesa para solucionar conflictos laborales; se compromete a pagar en un plazo no mayor a 4 meses
Alito Moreno se reúne con Julio María Sanguinetti, expresidente de Uruguay; buscan fortalecer lazos en América Latina
Inai busca participar en elaboración de leyes secundarias de Transparencia; “queremos incidir en la nueva legislación", piden comisionados
Detención de “El Cholo Palacios” clave para esclarecer Caso Ayotzinapa, afirma Alejandro Encinas; testimonio podría revelar paradero de estudiantes
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is calling the recapture of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán "a victory for the citizens of both Mexico and the United States, and a vindication of the rule of law in our countries."
In a statement, Lynch said Guzmán "will now have to answer for his alleged crimes" and congratulated Mexico's government, but did not directly address the sticky issue of extradition.
Guzmán faces charges in multiple different jurisdictions across the United States. His escape six months ago from a maximum security prison in Mexico was a point of friction between the two governments.
The U.S. has sought his extradition though Mexico in the past has said he would serve sentences in his country first. In any case, his recapture Friday is sure to reopen the issue.