
Layín promotes himself as a candidate with tequila bottles

Hilario Ramírez Villanueva, mayor of San Blas, is running for governor of Nayarit.

The following message is printed on the label of the bottles: "The friend of all wants you to spend a nice Christmas with your family and friends and that 2016 is successful for all of us." (Photo: El Debate)
07/01/2016 |13:13Raúl Torres / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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Hilario Ramírez Villanueva, mayor of San Blas better known as “Layín”, is promoting himself as independent candidate for governor of Nayarit with tequila bottles.

A video circulating on Internet shows that the bottles were distributed in Tepic on December 29.

The following message is printed on the label of the bottles: "The friend of all wants you to spend a nice Christmas with your family and friends and that 2016 is successful for all of us." The writing at the back reads “we will win.”

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Layín is know for declaring that he did rob, but "just a little", as a government servant and for lifting the skirt of a girl while he danced with her at a public event in February 2015.