Alberto Capella, Public Safety Commissioner of Morelos, said that opposing the Single Command is either due to deep ignorance and lack of interest in doing something that helps citizens or to support to drug cartels.

In a radio interview with Primero Noticias, Capella said that he can not affirm that Cuauhtémoc Blanco, mayor of Cuernavaca who opposes the Single Command, is colluded with drug cartels or ignorant, but in his opinion he has definitely shown irresponsibility.

He added that the former soccer player does not understand what is being done and the messages that are being sent and that authorities are worried because his attitude produces complications and operational problems.

Capella explained that there is no coup to the government of Cuernavaca, as Blanco said yesterday, and that authorities are chasing Santiago Mazari, better known as “El Carrete”, considered the leader of Los Rojos in Morelos.

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