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YouPorn and Pornhub, with approximately 800 million visitors per month, are the most popular porn sites. However, they also carry some of the most dangerous malwares through ads by third parties that appear in windows or pop tabs.
The problem has worsened with time. In the past, malware entered the system only if users clicked on pop-up ads, but the risk is greater today because viruses can attack devices by simply entering the page.
Malwarebytes says that one of the most dangerous viruses on these sites is "ransomware", with which hackers can hijack and block files in order to ask the user for a ransom.
Other sites containing malware are DrTuber, Nuvid, EroProfile, IcePorn or Xbabe.
A study by Pornhub revealed that this risk will also increase for smartphones. In 2015 the use of mobile devices to view porn content increased up to 65%.