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A judge in Cancún ruled to provisionally stop the filling of mangroves in the "Malecón Tajamar" area where 20 hectares (49.5 acres) of wetlands have been destroyed and a wide variety of wildlife has been buried alive.
The movement "Salvemos Manglar Tajamar" confirmed Wednesday that the protection request was granted by the court and ordered the provisional suspension of all work at the site.
The president of the Mayab Ecologist Group (GEMA), Aracely Domínguez said “the suspension order was issued today as a protective measure not only for the natural resources but for the society of Cancún whose guarantees have been violated by government authorities.”
She also said that although there was an agreement with authorities to rescue the wild animals that survived the destruction of mangroves, this morning FONATUR staff entered the area and tried to remove crocodiles without proper equipment.
Domínguez condemned the absence of the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), which still does not appear to account for the environmental damage caused by the destruction of more than 20 hectares of mangroves.
She called the local community to stay alert, spread the news on social networks, and demand FONATUR officials to take responsibility for the ecocide.
The original project Malecón Tajamar Cancún is a 69-hectare (170-acre) beach-side site containing offices and more than 2,500 homes.