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Mexican actress Kate del Castillo celebrated the escape of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán in a conversation with Andrés Granados Flores, the lawyer that since August 2014 served as an intermediary between the two.
According to the talks revealed during an investigation by the Office of the Attorney General (PGR), on July 12, 2015, when the escape of "El Chapo" was widely reported in media, Del Castillo exchanged text messages with the lawyer.
"Have you seen the news?", asked the lawyer to the 43-year-old actress.
Del Castillo responds with a "Yes", to which Granados writes back: "I AM CELEBRATING".
Del Castillo responds: "Me even more," capping the phrase with an emoticon.
The full conversation is reproduced here:
Kate del Castillo: Lawyer?
Andrés Granados Flores: Yes, ma'am?
KC: Nothing. Just hanging.
KC: Warm hugs.
AGF: Have you seen the news?
KC: Yes.
AGF: It's great.
AGF: I am celebrating.
AGF: He, he, he.
KC: Me more (emoticon)
AGF: (emoticon)
AGF: (emoticon)
AGF: (emoticon)
Tomorrow, we will present the full talks between the actress and the lawyer of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.