
Extradition of "El Chapo" has been suspended

A federal judge admits an appeal against two extradition processes against him.

(Photo: File/EL UNIVERSAL)
11/01/2016 |18:05Juan Omar Fierro |
Redacción El Universal
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A federal judge has effectively suspended the possible extradition of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán to the United States when she accepted an appeal presented by the lawyers of the notorious drug dealer.

Judge María Catalina de la Rosa Ortega accepted the appeal against the two processes against "El Chapo" just a few hours after his arrest last January 8 in the municipality of Ahome, Sinaloa.

Just yesterday, the Office of the Attorney General reported that two arrest warrants from the United States are being processed and "El Chapo" had been notified about it.

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The notification was done by agents of the international police agency Interpol at the maximum security prison of "El Altiplano," where Guzmán is currently being held.