
Chicharito responds to fans' questions

The Bayer Leverkusen soccer team posted an interview with Javier Hernández on Facebook.

The Mexican player said that the Knights of the Zodiac were his childhood heroes. (Photo: Screen grab from the interview)
10/01/2016 |13:38Newsroom |
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The Bayer Leverkusen soccer team posted an interview with Javier Hernández on Facebook.

In the interview the Mexican player said that the Knights of the Zodiac were his childhood heroes and that he prefers red over green enchiladas (without onion).

He added that when he was a child he used to swim in the afternoons so that he would get tired and not bother his parents and that he misses his family and friends.

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Chicharito, as the player is better known, also explained that he has two dogs in Mexico.