
Dr. José Lull gives lectures on ancient Egypt in Mexico City

Dr. Lull is one of the two teachers of the Egyptology course offered through the online platform Coursera.

At the Institute of Philological Investigations of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) he spoke about the evolution of writing in Egypt and the “adventure” of deciphering hieroglyphics. (Photo: Giselle Rodríguez / EL UNIVERSAL)
06/12/2015 |13:23
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By Giselle Rodríguez

Dr. José Lull is an Egyptologist with an impressive CV. Born in Valencia in 1972, he studied Egyptology at Tübingen University in Germany and also has a degree in Geography and History, with specialty in archeology, from Valencia University in Spain. In 2002 he obtained his summa cum laude PhD with an investigation on the royal tombs from the 21st to the 30th dynasties. His work was published in Oxford by the Britsh Archaeological Reports. Currently he is professor at Barcelona's Autonomous University.

From December 3 to 5, 2015 he came to Mexico City to give a series of lectures on ancient Egypt. At the Institute of Philological Investigations of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) he spoke about the evolution of writing in Egypt and the “adventure” of deciphering hieroglyphics, while at UNAM's School of Architecture he talked about the security systems of pharaonic tombs.

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He also gave eight hours of conferences at the Centro Libanés, a paid event organized by , a company that organizes lectures for executives.

Dr. Lull is one of the two teachers of the offered through the online platform Coursera along with Josep Cervelló, lecturer in the Department of Ancient and Medieval Sciences of Barcelona's Autonomous University. The eight-week course, free of charge for those who do not require a certificate, has been taken by 65,000 people so far, 11% of them Mexicans.

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