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Sergio Gutiérrez Luna sostiene reunión con Lenia Batres; discuten reforma judicial y convocatoria de jueces
Reforma de igualdad sustantiva avanza en San Lázaro; contará con fiscalías especializadas en violencia de género
“No fue contabilizado”; voto fantasma de Pedro Haces es culpa del proveedor de Internet: Sergio Gutiérrez Luna
Tribunal Electoral rechaza opinar sobre acción de la SCJN contra reforma judicial; señala falta de competencia
A first-stage program for the transfer of the Cuban migrants stranded in Costa Rica will begin operations on the first week of January, per an agreement between Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Panama.
The agreement was reached at a meeting between migration authorities in Guatemalan territory, as reported by the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Through a statement the agency reported that the meeting was in response to a proposal presented by Mexico on December 22, in order to address the situation of thousands of Cuban migrants in Costa Rica.