President Enrique Peña Nieto proposed to create a General Law to Prevent and Punish Crimes related to Forced Disappearance and a General Law to Prevent, Investigate and Punish Crimes of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment.

The announcement was made at Los Pinos during the ceremony to present the National Human Rights Award to Sister Consuelo Morales Elizondo, director and founder of Citizens in Support of Human Rights (CADHAC) of Nuevo León.

The proposal includes the creation of a National Search System to coordinate the efforts of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and the local prosecutors offices to act quickly in the first hours after the disappearance of an individual, as well as the establishment of clear investigation protocols that meet international standards.

Moreover, the President proposed to create a National Missing Persons Registry that includes information from hospitals, cemeteries, forensic services and detention facilities, as well as a National Forensic Registry to identify individuals.

The General Law to Prevent, Investigate and Punish Crimes of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment proposed by President Peña Nieto would define the responsibilities and coordination efforts among the three levels of government, typify torture crimes and establish the corresponding penalties, put in place prevention mechanisms and ensure the rights of victims.

On April 30, 2015 the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill to amend Article 73, section XXI, paragraph a) of the Constitution on forced disappearances and torture. The bills to create the two laws were signed by President Peña Nieto during the event.

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