
Protesters gather in NYC for Donald Trump hosting 'SNL'

'Donald Trump has got to go,' chanted demonstrators outside Rockefeller Plaza on Saturday.

Trump's comments against Latinos have caused a massive backlash. (Photo: AP)
07/11/2015 |22:05AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Dozens of demonstrators in New York City are protesting NBC's decision to allow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to host "Saturday Night Live."

The group held signs and chanted Saturday while marching from Trump Tower to the network's studios in Rockefeller Plaza. They say Trump's statements on immigration are racist and offensive. Protester Mike Bento says NBC is giving Trump a platform for "vitriolic, racist rhetoric."

NBC has faced pressure from groups calling for Trump to be dropped from SNL over his comments last summer describing some Mexicans in the U.S. illegally as criminals and rapists. His remarks cost him his role hosting NBC's "The Apprentice." The network has not responded, and Trump says he believes his appearance will boost viewership of the SNL show Saturday night.

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Dozens of protesters held signs and chanted Saturday evening as they marched from Trump Tower to NBC's studio in Rockefeller Plaza.

Outside Rockefeller Plaza, they chanted: "Donald Trump has got to go."

Some of the protesters say Trump's statements about immigration are racist and offensive.

Trump says he believes the controversy will boost the audience for the episode.