The Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) will assess whether during the second phase of its investigation into the disappearance of the 43 teachers in training from Ayotzinapa it will have to question soldiers in the area.

The members of the GIEI mentioned that they will consider getting more statements from military personnel and wether it is necessary to request interviews with the soldiers deployed in the area.

In regard to the statements from the Ministry of National Defense, disagreeing with the GIEI interrogating soldiers, Francisco Cox emphasized that the group cannot be deprived in the search for the truth.

During the second stage of the investigations, the GIEI will also focus on the buses used by the students for transportation during the night of September 26, 2014, as well as the handling of the security cameras in the area of Cocula and Iguala during their disappearance.

Also, they will ask for an extension of the investigation on the personal finances of the detainees and if they have been tortured or abused, as well as make a mapping of clandestine graves.

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