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A group of Hispanic intellectuals signed a letter in rejection to the anti-immigrant position of Donald Trump, Republican hopeful for the United States presidency.
The signatories say that his discourse is based on hate and appeals to "the lowest passions," such as xenophobia, chauvinism, political intolerance and religious dogmatism.
Arturo Sarukhan and Enrique Krauze used their social networks to disseminate the "Declaration of Hispanic intellectuals, scientists, and academics against Trump's Xenophobia".
The intellectuals point out that Trump "recalls campaigns in the past that have been directed against other ethnic groups, and whose result was the death of millions of people. In fact, the physical assaults against Hispanics and the calls to prohibit the public use of Spanish have already begun," they warn.
The intellectuals claim that the deportation of Mexican immigrants "would be catastrophic for states such as California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, where most of the manual labor is Mexican".
"Many of the signatories are Hispanic immigrants that have been well received in this great nation and contributed with our work in various fields, like knowledge, the advances of science, and the prosperity, entertainment and welfare of all inhabitants of the United States. The conduct of Mr. Trump is unworthy of a candidate for the presidency of the most powerful country in the world. We condemn this attitude and we hope that the American people cease to tolerate his absurd positions," expressed the letter.
The following is the full list of signatories of the letter, which was reproduced by Univision networks in its portal:
Héctor Abad Faciolince
Manuel Alcántara
Arturo Álvarez-Buylla
Homero Aridjis
Ariel Armory
Roger Bartra
Demián Bichir
Silvia Borzutzky
Carmen Boullosa
Martín Caparrós
Jorge Castañeda
Jennifer Clement
Junot Díaz
Ramón Díaz Alejandro
Jorge Duany
Jorge Edwards
Sebastián Edwards
Joaquín Estefanía
Julio Frenk
Francisco Goldman
Francisco González Crussí
Alejandro González Iñárritu
Teodoro González de León
Roberto González Echeverría
Enrique Krauze
Mario Lavista
Antonio Lazcano
Emmanuel Lubezki
Valeria Luiselli
Diego Luna
Nora Lustig
Carlos Malamud
David Mares
Ibsen Martínez
Óscar Martínez
Eduardo Matos Moctezuma
Carmelo Mesa-Lago
Verónica Montecinos
Antonio Muñoz Molina
Moisés Naím
Enrique Norten
Silvia Pedraza
Elena Poniatowska
Alejandro Portes
Luis Prados
Rodrigo Rey Rosa
Rafael Rojas
Vicente Rojo
Ranulfo Romo
Diego Sánchez-Ancochea
Antonio Santamaría García
Arturo Sarukhán
José Sarukhán
Fernando Savater
Javier Sicilia
Eduardo Silva
Guillermo Soberón Acevedo
Edward Telles
Mauricio Tenorio
Antonio Ugalde
Diego Valadés
Álvaro Vargas Llosa
Mario Vargas Llosa
Enrique Vila-Matas
Rolando Villazón
Juan Villoro
Gabriel Zaid.