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Ramírez Cuéllar propone una Cumbre urgente entre México, EU y Canadá; legislador busca fortalecer unión de América del Norte
Detienen a persona vinculada al homicidio del magistrado Edmundo Román Pinzón; Fiscalía de Guerrero continúa con las indagatorias
Sheinbaum entrega tarjetas Pensión Mujeres Bienestar en Morelos; más de 16 mil derechohabientes serán beneficiadas
PAN cuestiona precio de la gasolina; "es un golpe directo al bolsillo de las familias mexicanas": Jorge Romero
Consulados de México en EU implementan acciones de apoyo a connacionales; inauguran primera ventanilla de salud en Cleveland
Vidulfo Rosales, the lawyer of the parents of the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa, reported that they will consider meeting with Attorney General Arely Gómez, as proposed yesterday during a march to mark 14 months of their disappearance.
Around 200 people are camping on the Chivatito causeway, demanding a meeting with Interior Minister Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong.
Rosales said that they want Osorio Chong to formally introduce them to the new research team on the disappearance since they have not been notified in a formal way of its existence.
In addition, they want to know about any new lines of research in terms of what was recommended by the Group of International Independent Experts (GIEI) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.